Chairman’s Message

The whole of Rye Bonfire are no strangers to hard work and fund raise tirelessly each year to stage Rye Bonfire.

We have the hard working society members to thank for their fund raising efforts with auctions, boot fairs, quiz nights, etc. to make this spectacular event;  not forgetting the assistance of members of  neighbouring societies, particularly Robertsbridge and Hastings.

We hope that you will enjoy your visit to this year’s event; the Rye Bonfire Society has raised and distributed many thousands of pounds of charity funding for good causes in and around Rye. We need to raise £20,000 a year to stage this spectacular event.

Members of Rye Bonfire have been working with local film maker, Peter Hayes, to produce a film ‘For the Love of Fire‘ shot over last year’s Bonfire Pageant, let us know what you think..

Now you have seen the film, get the t-shirt – see our Merchandise page!

Rye Bonfire is grateful for the IT and technical support from Olly Campion, from Domain Support, for the focus on all things Rye take a look at Rye Town Guide

Members will be aware that on the 25th Anniversary of the ‘new’ Bonfire Society; we planned to compile a book of pictures, memories, anecdotes, stories and history on Rye Bonfire over the years (not just the last 25 Years). If you have anything you think might be of interest please email to and I will pass on, or copy can be left with Ian at Adams.  We can scan pictures and newspaper cutting etc and will ensure safe return. Although we can’t promise to publish everything, we will give full credits where due.  This is an exciting project, a really good opportunity to make a lasting record of Rye Bonfire for future generations!

You are welcome to join us as new members to raise funds, dress up and collect or become a marshal – WE NEED YOU!  Especially the youth of Rye.

Donations to: The Treasurer, Rye Bonfire Society, c/o Adams of Rye Ltd, 8 High Street, Rye, East Sussex can be made in person or via bank transfer –

The New Rye & District Bonfire Society, Sort Code: 20-02-62, Account Number: 70146641

Rye and District Bonfire Society is a company limited by guarantee. Company No: 4669575

Updated: 08 Sepetember 2024